Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Getting API key for Google Maps

Create API Key for Google Maps

1. Go to Google API Console (

2. If you have opened your google API Console, then a new project named "My Project" is created automatically.

3. Select Your project, then Click 'Continue' to enable Google Maps Android API.

4. On Credentials Section, get an API Key. If you have existing API with restriction then you can use that.

5. To restrict your API Key, click 'Edit' button, then follow instructions.
   - Select Key Restrictions: 'Android apps'
   - Restrict usage to your Android apps (This is an optional if you want restrict your API Key to particular Android App)
   - Enter package name (Enter your package name of your app)
   - Enter SHA-1 certificate fingerprint.

6. Click Save.

7. You can use your API Key to your android app.

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